Such a beautifully elegant cake for Colette’s 60th. The Purple Rose Cake – from £120.
Such a beautifully elegant cake for Colette’s 60th. The Purple Rose Cake – from £120.
Lots to look at on this highly detailed cake. Jon is a science teacher who loves a pint, gardening, bird watching and tennis! Oh, and also a nap! The Snoozing Teacher Cake – from £90.
Possibly the best golf cake we have ever created – and there have been a few! Gary’s Golf Cake – from £125.
This did the trick perfectly for a joint birthday celebration, highlighting the recipients’ interests in pilates and rugby respectively. The Joint 30th and 60th Birthday Cake – from £100.
Bespoke Cupcakes for a triple birthday celebration – from £3 each (minimum order 12).
Isn’t this cake just fab with it’s eye-catching colours and cute drummer? The Reggae Cake – from £90.
Such a stunner of a Football Shirt Cake (other teams available!) The Tottenham Hotspur Shirt Cake – from £100.
Combining Paul’s passion for golf and footie – the Golf and WBA Cake – from £90.
Simply beautiful tennis-themed cupcakes for two very special birthdays! The Tennis/Wimbledon Cupcakes – from £3 each (minimum order 12).