Aren’t these little hedgehogs just adorable? They can be delivered with the message “Sending you Hedgehugs” just to let a loved one know you are thinking of them and missing them. The Hedgehog Cupcakes – from £3 each.
There were some unusual requests in this order – including a purple coach, a crab and a tortoise, but they all represent things dear to Anne! Anne’s 80th Hobbies Cupcakes – from £3 each (minimum order 12).
Margaret’s favourite colour is purple, so we designed a selection of beautifully pretty cupcakes to delight the birthday girl! The Pretty Purple Cupcakes – from £3 each (minimum order 12).
Such a beautiful selection of deliciously elegant cupcakes for Jaime and Alice’s First Holy Communion. The Holy Communion Cupcakes – from £3 each (minimum order 12).
Aren’t these adorable – so bright and pretty! And the perfect accompaniment to the main Peppa Pig Cake! Peppa Pig Cupcakes – from £3 each (minimum order 12)