Another of our very popular decorated Digit Cakes. Hazel loves gardening, hockey, football and travel and was a former traffic warden and policewoman. Decorated Digit Cake – from £120.
Pat has a beautiful garden and very much enjoys watching and feeding the visiting animals, depicted here on this cute and colourful 80th digit cake. Pat’s 80th Wildlife Cake – from £100.
80th Digit Cake celebrating all of Pat’s favourite things – travel, cribbage, working for a charity, Elvis, the theatre and pub quizzes. Pat’s 80th Cake – from £100.
Our decorated digit cakes are such a great choice as they incorporate both the significant age and the significant interest! Feel free to suggest any number and any theme! The Number 3 Dinosaur Cake – from £90.
Well, this was quite a niche request – number 9 digit cake incorporating James’ favourite animals (wombats) and his party theme (nerf gun)! We had great fun creating it! Wombat Nerf Gun Cake – from £90.
This GP certainly had some eclectic hobbies – travel, pottery, gardening, star-gazing and visiting Glastonbury. We hope his cake put a smile on his face! Andy’s 60th Digit Cake – from £100.