Another unusual request from a very loyal customer, specially designed for an 18 year old who wants to study Law and hates the family chickens! The Lawyer’s Cake – from £90.
How many hobbies can we fit on one cake? This one has rugby, cricket, RAF, gardening, barbequing, reading, drinking, music, painting and F1! Phew! The 80th Digit Hobbies Cake – from £120.
Another of our very popular decorated Digit Cakes. Hazel loves gardening, hockey, football and travel and was a former traffic warden and policewoman. Decorated Digit Cake – from £120.
We had such fun making all of the little items for Lloyd’s office, including photos, laptop, folders, calendar, cards and drinks! Not forgetting his faithful little buddy at his feet, of course! Lloyd’s Retirement Cake – from £90.
It’s fair to say that Marc was quite blown away by his 60th digit cake, which reflected his love of music, Glastonbury, Stonehenge and fashion photography. Marc’s 60th Cake – from £100.
Liver specialist Gau is fond of his craft beers, cycling, Indian food and Bath Rugby, so we depicted all of his favourite things on this super cute and detailed cake! Gau’s Hobbies Cake – from £75.