A slight variation on our usual Fishing Cake – complete with rucksack, hamper and tent! The Gone Fishing Cake – from £90.
A slight variation on our usual Fishing Cake – complete with rucksack, hamper and tent! The Gone Fishing Cake – from £90.
We have to confess to feeling a little daunted when faced with the design of a cake for a medal winning Modern Pentathlete, but the sports came together very well in this bright and bespoke scene! The Modern Pentathlon Cake – from £100.
The latest and local version of our Rugby Scrum Cake – from £90.
Such a striking little number! The Ten Pin Bowling Cake – from £75.
Yes, Charlie really IS into 7 different sports! We combined them with books, an iPad, his school scarf and the birthday boy himself to produce a simply stunning cake! Charlie’s Sporty 18th Cake – from £100.
We’ve done a version of this for an adult before – here’s our junior version! Alex’s Tennis Cake – from £75.
These little beauties are just so effective, and give just a little hint towards the summer to come! The Tennis Cupcakes – from £2.50 each (Minimum order 12)>
We’ve never been commissioned to do a Water Polo Cake before, so were delighted to be approached to provide a cake to help raise funds for an overseas championship! Water Polo Cake – from £80.
We think this one might be quite popular as it perfectly captures how many men spend their precious weekends! The Snoozing TV Fanatic’s Cake – from £90.
This was such fun to create! Our very first Laser Quest Cake – perfect for a Laser Quest Party! The Laser Quest Cake – from £90.