This was designed to cheer up an Xbox and Liverpool loving schoolboy! The Mini Xbox Cake – from £65.
This was designed to cheer up an Xbox and Liverpool loving schoolboy! The Mini Xbox Cake – from £65.
This customer struggled to come up with a main hobby or interest, but explained that Mike was a hard working student with a part-time job in a bar. This incredibly detailed cake surely shows that anything is possible! The Barman/Student Cake – from £100.
These boys had been unbeaten all season, so they were awarded a very special cake as a reward! The Celebratory Rugby Scrum Cake – from £90
What a lovely way of saying thank you to a special teacher – complete with the company’s fish logo! Please enquire about personalised cupcakes.
Just fantastic for that fitness fanatic! The Gym Cupcakes – from £2.50 each (minimum order 12).
Very simple but surprisingly effective! The Simple Tennis Cake – from £60.
Vroooooom! The ultimate in winning formations! The Red Arrows Cake – from £80.
A cheeky Chelsea shirt – perfect for an avid fan! Football shirts from £80.
Such a boys’ cake, this one! Made particularly personal to the recipient with the use of his name and age on the helmet and his very favourite Star Wars characters – Darth Maul, Stormtrooper, Yoda, Kylo Ren and Chew Bacca! The Motorcycle Helmet Cake – from £70 (plus £5 for each modelled character).
Such a perfect cake for a man who loves his national rugby team as much as his Play Station 4! The Play Station 4 and England Rugby Cake – from £80.