Very, very hot off the press, this one! A deliciously dastardly monster cake to delight little boys everywhere! The Nexo Knight Cake – from £90.
Very, very hot off the press, this one! A deliciously dastardly monster cake to delight little boys everywhere! The Nexo Knight Cake – from £90.
An updated version to celebrate the release of the latest Star Wars film. The R2D2 cake – from £100.
Such a stunner of a cake with a super cute unicorn! And best of all – it’s a pinata cake, so smarties spill out when the cake is cut! The Smartie Unicorn Cake – from £90.
Probably the best car cake we have ever produced! Who wouldn’t be delighted by a Ferrari for their birthday? The Ferrari Cake – from £90.
Hard to believe that after all of these years, this is the first time we have been asked to make a Toy Story Cake! Don’t forget to add the matching cupcakes! The Toy Story Cake – from £80.
Pretty, elegant and equally delicious! Please enquire about other colours and ages! The Sweet Sixteen Cupcakes – from £2 each (minimum order 12)
Sensationally striking! The Zebra Cake – from £90.
Julia looks on as her husband does all the work! Can be personalised as you wish. Julia’s Gardening Cake – from £80.
An unusual but eye-catching cake – perfect for a Crunchie Monster! The Crunchie Bar Cake – from £85.
Probably our favourite cupcakes to date – these are sure to brighten someone’s day, whatever the occasion! The Get Well Cupcakes – from £2 each (minimum order 12)