Always great to make a locally-themed cake! This one was a member of the Bradford on Avon Youth Rugby Team! The Bradford on Avon Rugby Shirt Cake – from £90.
Complete with whistle, red and yellow cards and scarf, this super national football shirt is sure to be a hit amongst Scottish footie fans! The Scotland Football Shirt Cake – from £90.
How many hobbies can we fit on one cake? This one has rugby, cricket, RAF, gardening, barbequing, reading, drinking, music, painting and F1! Phew! The 80th Digit Hobbies Cake – from £120.
We just love being asked to create gardening-themed cakes as there is such a wide range of possible toppers and decorations. This is a real Luxury Collection! The Luxury Gardening Cupcakes – from £3 each (minimum order 12).
Such a quirky cake for a 50th Wedding Anniversary, but it perfectly captures their sporty 50 years together! The Sporty Golden Wedding Cake – from £90.